Crypto has amazing potential as an asset class, but we can’t ignore its carbon impact. Now you can invest in crypto in an environmentally friendly way.

A simple purchase option for cryptocurrency investors who want to reduce their carbon footprint in digital assets.

We invest in verified carbon offsetting projects with the aim to give you a net-zero investment in cryptocurrency.
Know exactly what your cryptocurrency emission is and how we will offset the impact with our transparent process and methodology.
Your investment will go toward helping important carbon offsetting projects around world that are carefully vetted by our best-in-class partner to ensure our carbon credits are authentic.
Purpose has partnered with Patch, a leading expert in carbon removal, to accurately measure and offset the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies.
Patch is a leading expert in carbon offsetting and decarbonization. Using its API-based solution, Patch seamlessly offsets carbon emissions from your cryptocurrency investment by investing in both traditional and ground-breaking new climate change initiatives around the world.
Join our crypto community of over 2,500 investors 👇
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Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investment fund investments, including those mentioned on this site. The respective prospectuses contain important detailed information about that investment fund. Always read the prospectus before investing. As with any investment, there are risks to investing in investment funds. There is no assurance that any fund will achieve its investment objective, and its net asset value, yield, and investment return will fluctuate from time to time with market conditions. Crypto assets can be extremely volatile and there is no guarantee that the amount invested will be returned to you. If the securities are purchased or sold on a stock exchange, you may pay more or receive less than the current net asset value. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated