Purpose Investments Highlights the Power of Being Tactical as Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund Turns Five Years Old

Purpose Investments Inc. (“Purpose”) is pleased to highlight the performance of Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund (“the Fund”) as it marks the five-year anniversary of its inception. The Fund (NEO: RTA) returned an annualized 6.55% from the period of November 30, 2015 to November 30, 2020, earning the highest Morningstar Rating.*

Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund is a rules-based strategy which allows investors to navigate the changing landscape of the market by automating a portion of a portfolio’s asset allocation decisions. The Fund has the ability to oscillate between equities and bonds depending on the underlying market conditions. The Fund can swing from as much as 100% equities in strongly up-trending markets to 100% bonds and cash in strongly down-trending markets.

Over the course of its five years in existence as an accessible strategy, the Fund has performed well through notable periods of market declines, including major corrections in 2016, 2018 and 2020. In each major event, Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund has helped protect investors’ capital by quickly becoming defensive to match market conditions.

“Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund has proven its value over the course of its life and we’re thrilled to be able to step back at this point to reflect on its success,” said Greg Taylor, CIO of Purpose Investments. “The Fund is incredibly powerful, able to meaningfully improve a portfolio’s risk profile with as little as just a five percent allocation.”

Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund has earned a 5-Star Morningstar rating for its strong performance within the Tactical Balanced category. It has become increasingly popular throughout the turmoil of 2020, attracting more than $400 million in assets under management. The Fund is available in both mutual fund and ETF formats, making the strategy easily accessible to Canadian investors.

“2020 has been a hard year for many investors, but it has highlighted the value of using a tactical strategy within your portfolio,” said Craig Basinger, CIO of Richardson Wealth and subadvisor of the Fund. “It’s one thing to be defensive in tough times, but it’s equally important that you appreciate over time as well. Purpose Tactical Asset Allocation Fund is doing that. But while the returns have been good, it is the defensive characteristics that have caused many investors and advisors to add the Fund to their portfolios.”

About Purpose Investments Inc.

Purpose Investments Inc. is an asset management company with more than $10 billion in assets under management. Purpose Investments has an unrelenting focus on client-centric innovation, and offers a range of managed and quantitative investment products. Purpose Investments is led by well-known entrepreneur Som Seif and is a division of Purpose Financial, an independent technology-driven financial services company.

For further information please contact:

Matt Padanyi

Purpose Investments Inc.
Tel: (877) 789-1517
Email: info@purposeinvest.com

*The Morningstar star rating is as of November 30, 2020, Morningstar Canada. Number of funds in the Tactical Balanced category for the periods: 350 for YTD, 347 for 1-Year, 316 for 3-Year, 215 for 5-Year. Morningstar rates mutual funds from one to five stars based on their performance (after adjusting for risk) in comparison to similar funds. Within each CIFSC category, the top 10% of funds receive five stars, the next 22.5% four stars, the middle 35% three stars, the next 22.5% two stars, and the bottom 10% receive one star. Funds are rated for up to three time periods— three-, five-, and 10 years—and these ratings are combined to produce an overall rating (minimum three years of history). Ratings are objective, based entirely on a mathematical evaluation of past performance.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investment fund investments. Please read the prospectus and other disclosure documents before investing. Investment funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government deposit insurer. There can be no assurance that the full amount of your investment in a fund will be returned to you. If the securities are purchased or sold on a stock exchange, you may pay more or receive less than the current net asset value. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.